Focus. Clarity. Scale.

Your toolkit for impact – strategic leadership through to execution.

There's a new way to scale. Get access to a wealth of knowledge, cross-functional experience, diverse marketing skill sets, and our extended partner network. It all starts with marketing strategy – but strategy is nothing without execution. This is when the rubber hits the road - at pace. We make sure marketing strategy does what it should, and delivers impact where it matters most for your business.

Our Expertise.


Strategic Services

Before you execute you need a plan. A plan that’s led by senior marketers who ask the right questions and craft the roadmap to get there. Brand, creative, product, campaign, growth, digital marketing. This is where we bring that extra thinking needed to deliver impact and results.

Brand and Creative

It’s no secret that you need to be creative to cut through the clutter. A brand is a tech company’s secret weapon in the battle for mindshare, market share, investors, and top talent.

Tech and Data

An integrated set of tools and processes is critical for an exceptional customer experience. Getting this right is key for scalable growth.

Sales Activation

Putting the right building blocks in place for sales teams to deliver incremental revenue and improve productivity by reducing friction in the sales cycle and time to close.

Fractional Plus

A key ingredient for execution at speed is having access to experienced marketing capability when, and how, you need it. Each client initiative is led by a tech marketing expert - onsite, virtual or interim – working from inside your business as you need them.

Delivery and Execution

Extra marketing muscle on-demand can quickly help you get up and running for a new product release, revenue generation campaign or [your growth initiative goes here]. This is where we 10x the plan with proven design, web development and content experts.

Unleashing the potential of Kiwi Tech.

Tech is New Zealand’s second largest exporter. It should be number one.

Co-Founded by Bob Pinchin in 2006, SwayTech was created to fill the need for tech sector marketing expertise. Today, CEO Michael Friedberg leads the SwayTech team; who live and breathe Kiwi tech. We bring the people, expertise, insights, and network you need to scale.

If you want a partnership that becomes an extension of your team, not just hired hands, you’ve come to the right place.

Let's sway together.

Suite 2, Level 1, 18 Railway St, Newmarket, Auckland 1023

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